Greetings Central Region Sorors, Philos, and Rhoers:
Please mark your calendar and join us for the 84th Central Region Conference: “The GREATER Gateway: 99 Year of Leading the Way!” We are happy to return to a full regional conference format with: Sorors, Philos and Rhoers for 2024.
Conference registration will take place in Waves and are outlined in the chart provided. Please make certain that you are financial on all levels (local, regional and national) prior to securing your Conference registration.

*Payment processing fees to be incurred by purchaser

General Information:
Chapters and Sorors must be financial (both on the national and regional levels) at the time of registration to attend Central Region Conference.
Chapter Basilei will be required to submit the Credential Committee’s Google form declaring their Delegates.
Chapter delegate count will be determined based upon the chapter's membership numbers on December 31, 2023.
A chart will be posted on the Central Region website as well as emailed to the Central Region Basilei with the chapter delegate count.
The Chapter's Delegate form will be due January 15, 2024.
A final confirmation of delegates will be sent to each chapter by January 22, 2024.
3. Each voting member must plan to arrive in-person to check in and participate on-site for the 84th Central Region Conference.
4. The final 84th Central Region Conference registration and voting card pick up is Friday, March 8, 2024, from 6-7 AM CST, location TBA.
Transfer Policy:
Transfers must be approved by Central Region.
Transfer requests will be taken via the Google form.
The transfer process will be managed via Eventbrite through the close of registration on January 14, 2024.
A $50 fee will be assessed along with the Eventbrite processing fees.
Central Region is not responsible to manage the transfer of registration fees between individuals.
The transferee must be financial on all levels
Registration packages can only be transferred in the same class.
An Undergraduate package cannot be transferred to and Alumnae Soror.
The transferrer must be prepared to provide the following information for the person receiving the transferred registration:
Name as listed in iMIS
iMIS ID number
Email address
Phone number
And complete the Eventbrite Order Form
The Life Member Brunch will be held on-site at the 84th Central Region Conference. You can expect a limited number of tickets to be available for sale via Eventbrite due to room capacity. The cost of the ticket includes food, a mimosa and a Life Member gift. A special Central Region Life Member gift will be provided to our newest Life Members who are registered for the Brunch.
Host Hotel Registration Link: Marriott St. Louis Grand Hotel
Please review all of the information provided in this communication. The 84th Central Region Conference updates will be provided in the weekly Central Region newsletter. If you have questions, please send your questions via email to credential@sgrhocentral.com.
Soror Lisa L. Cooper, Life Member 1007
2022-2024 Centennial Central Region Grammateus